Zimbabwe Church Jobs & Pastor Jobs

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Youth Director First United Methodist Church of Sarasota is seeking an energetic, enthusiastic, and faithful follower of Jesus Christ to serve as Youth Director who will connect students (6th- 12th grade) to the life and mission of the Church, help them grow spiritually, and teach them the Christian faith. This is a part-time position (20 hours). The....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

United Methodist

12-11-2023    Part Time

Solo Pastor, Pebble Hill Presbyterian Church, DeWitt, NY Pebble Hill Presbyterian Church is currently seeking a solo pastor who is spiritually grounded, intellectually curious, compassionate, and forward-thinking. PHPC has a history of community engagement and a commitment to social justice.  Our congregation thrives on preaching that enriches and prope....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


01-12-2023    Full Time

Music Minister Overview:The Music Minister shall be a strong leader possessing a passion for traditional worship with a love for choral music and hymns in traditional and varied styles, a vision for musical excellence, the ability to lead vocalists and instrumentalists, performance skills on piano and organ, and the ability to lead congregational singin....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:


01-17-2022    Part Time

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Zimbabwe jobs, Zimbabwe churches seeking pastors. Christian vacant churches looking for pastors in Zimbabwe near me.