Parkside Church
Bakersfield, CA
Category: Children's Pastor & Children's Ministry
Posted on: April 24, 2023
2515 Church Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93306
We recognize the need to have an active program within the church to help care for the youngest and provide activities and learning opportunities for school-aged children. While volunteer leaders can and should be utilized in many areas, we recognize the need to have a paid staff position to plan,_noemailanize, and structure the entire program. We envision this program to include children from birth through 6th grade. This person will work under the direction of the Lead Pastor. We anticipate that it will require approximately 15 hours per week to adequately fill this position. Compensation will be $1,500 per month (equivalent to $23.07/hr.). As a part-time position, there is no accrual of vacation time or other benefits provided for this position. Discounted childcare at our licensed pre-school may be available. As an employee of the church and someone working with children, the State of California requires the person to undergo background screening and training as a Mandated Reporter under state law, and this requirement shall be a pre-condition of employment.
The Children's Ministries Director should:
Have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and model a positive image of living in a way that upholds Christian values.
Have a good knowledge of Scripture and Biblical principles as would be appropriate to younger school-aged children and be able to teach and transmit this knowledge in an age-appropriate way.
Be ability to create a supportive and we_noemailing environment that will be attractive to both children and their parents, so that the children enjoy_noemailing and the parents are_noemailfortable leaving their children in your care.
Have good_noemailanizational skills and good_noemailmunication (written and oral) skills, with ability to create, publish, and distribute promotional material or other media presentations as needed.
Be able to build relationships in the congregation to recruit volunteer help.
Be willing to work as a team within the unity of the body of Christ
Be available at different hours, within reason, to ensure proper staffing of all ministry areas is met.
Ministry Responsibilities
Develop and maintain programs to involve grade-school aged children at Parkside, including Sunday School classes, mid-week events, and summer events (such as VBS and children's camps or outings).
Develop and maintain a safe and we_noemailing nursery program and programs for toddlers.
Recruit, supervise, and monitor volunteer leaders and helpers to staff all areas of the children's ministry.
Lead or teach sessions as needed.
Interact with other Pastoral Staff to coordinate activities and support the overall programs of the church.
In cooperation with other Pastoral Staff, develop opportunities to reach the family members of the children with the goal of involving the whole family into the Parkside_noemailmunity. This may involve creation of written materials or social media content designed to connect with families.
Model an active and living relationship with Christ, knowing that you may be serving as a parental role model to children and may also be a model to the parents.
Properly submit budget requests, work within budget guidelines, and oversee any special fundraising projects that may be needed.