First Baptist Church Pompano Beach
Pompano Beach, FL
Category: Children's Pastor & Children's Ministry
Posted on: April 28, 2021
Immediate Supervisor:
Senior Pastor and Executive Pastor
General Responsibilities:
The Director of Childhood Ministries will:
Coordinate and supervise all ministry activities for children.
Provide biblical and religious education programs for children, in consultation with the Senior Pastor and Associate Pastor of Church Administration.
Be available to assist children and parents when special needs arise through direct involvement or consultation with the pastoral staff.
Provide training for those in leadership positions in the Children's Ministry.
Ensure that children are appropriately cared for during all church functions where parents are participating or leading in the activities of worship, education, fellowship, or ministry of the First Baptist Church of Pompano Beach.
Consult with the Director of the Preschool Learning Center to ensure continuity of ministry and that ministry opportunities exist for the children in their care.
Administrative Duties:
1. Plan yearly calendar of events in coordination with pastoral staff programming.
2. Plan and present an annual budget for all Children's Ministries in consultation with Associate Pastor of Church Administrant.
3. Monitor on-going expenditures and balances of current budget.
4. Supervise paid childcare workers, other than those employed by the Preschool Learning Center, the After School Program, and the Recreation Ministry.
5. Order and distribute appropriate literature, snacks, and miscellaneous supplies necessary to maintain an inventory available for staff and volunteers of the Children's Ministry.
Ministry and Educational Responsibilities:
1. Provide quality Bible Study programs and training for Christian living through Children's Sunday School and other events as assessed or needed in consultation with the Associate Pastor of Discipleship and Education.
2. Direct and provide oversight and supervision for volunteer leaders in Children's Church, Extended Session, Team Kids, Vacation Bible School, and other children's activities.
3. Provide purposeful educational and recreational activities to meet the needs of children ages birth through grade five and their families.
4. Participate and encourage visitation of families, both members and prospective members to promote the mission of the church in evangelism and ministry.
5. Keep parents informed of events and activities of the Children's Ministry through regular_noemailmunication.
6. Coordinate Parent/Child Dedication.
7. Prepare children for baptism and make necessary arrangements.
Child Care Duties:
1. Enlist workers to provide child care during church functions for children ages birth through grade five.
2. Work in consultation with the Director of the Preschool Learning Center, the Preschool Committee, and the Senior Pastor and the Associate Pastor of Church Administration in establishing and maintaining necessary standards of excellence in child care.
3. Ensure background checks are conducted of paid and volunteer staff, and interview potential child care workers.
4. Maintain a list of approved child care workers and assist in utilizing this list to ensure proper coverage of ministries when sudden and/or unexpected vacancies occur.
5. Work in consultation with the Director of the After School program to ensure continuity in the mission of the Children's Ministry.
Parent and Leadership Training:
1. Provide opportunities for parental training and education related to children's age-specific spiritual needs.
2. Enlist workers and provide formal training of all volunteer Children's Ministry leadership.
3. Schedule Associational training opportunities that provide growth in the area of leadership.
1. Provide oversight of equipment used and facilities occupied by the Children's Ministry and report corresponding needs to the Church Business Administrator.
2. Keep leadership informed of prospects, ministry needs and prayer requests.
3. Keep the church membership informed of special activities and needs related to the Children's Ministry.