Who - Primary leader and vision-holder for ministries serving kids and families who attend GracePoint as well as kids and families within our_noemailmunity.
Someone who:
-Has a passion to see children experience a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ
-Has strong desire and willingness to partner with parents (see suggestions)
-Has a working knowledge of the Orange philosophy of ministry (or similar)
-Has the ability to lead and cast vision
-Has good_noemailmunication skills
-Is highly relational
-Values a team approach to ministry
-Can enlist, equip, and encourage a strong team of volunteer leaders
-Has some experience leading teams in a similar setting
-Has a_noemailpetent knowledge of technology (or the willingness to learn)
-Has proven leadership experience in a growing ministry
-Ministry experience preferred, but not required
-GracePoint will offer training to a candidate who has a willingness or desire to learn
What - Lead a ministry where kids are encouraged to grow in their relationship with Jesus and others and that seeks to partner with parents in making disciples of the next generation through prioritizing 3 key areas:
1 - People
-Kids are key! Love and lead our kids well!
-Recruit, retain, equip and support a thriving team of volunteers who are doing the work of the ministry along side you.
-Develop discipling relationships with families to a_noemailplish our mission, model our values and encourage our ou_noemailes. (see website for specifics of our values and ou_noemailes)
2 - Places
-Primary Focus - Give oversight and leadership to all Sunday morning children's environments (Birth -6th grade) working closely with church leaders, interns and volunteers to create, staff and resource these environments — this includes (but is not limited to) Large Group worship, small groups, and we_noemaile-area/children ministry Host Teams.
-Assist other ministries with staffing childcare needs when needed (CR, WM, other events)
3 - Partnership
-Grow our effectiveness in making disciples of the next generation through partnering with parents, families and guardians.
-Create and implement ongoing practical support initiatives for parents, to_noemaile alongside them in engaging their kids in the discipleship process – this includes (but is not limited to) family events, training seminars for parents, parenting resources via digital media, etc.
Reports to: Teaching Pastor/Elders
Can expect a review 3 months from the date of hire as well as an annual review.
Weekly time requirements: Part-time (3 days a week, with 1 day being Sundays)
Vacation/Salary: Salary ranging from 24k-30k per year depending on experience.
Contact: If interested, please send an updated resume to Shane Sullivan. Shane@mygracepoint_noemail. GracePoint Church, 50 Woodland Hills Road, Asheville, NC 28804
Please be prepared to submit 2-3 ministry references as well as 2-3_noemailmunity or personal references upon request. References need to be willing to participate in a reference interview by phone call or video conf or in person.
About GracePoint Church:
-Ministry experience preferred, but not required
-GracePoint will offer training to a candidate who has a willingness or desire to learn
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