Online Pastor (remote)

Virtual Bible Community

Anywhere, other

Category: Online Pastor

Posted on: October 11, 2023

Job Description:

We only accept resumes via Churchjobs_noemail along with your_noemailpleted questions. Please do not try to bypass this process if you are serious about applying. Please do not contact our website instead as your efforts will not be acknowledged. This position does NOT require education, so please >do not< apply if you have an advanced theology degree.

We won’t make the final decision until it’s closer to Christmas. We are seeking a man (per I Timothy 2:12) with a disability, who is called by God, to help people with disabilities grow in their faith. thank you.


We are seeking a part time (10 hrs monthly) >strictly< non denominational, Bible believing & Bible loving male pastor who also has an active disability. If you don’t work because of your disability don’t let that stop you from applying if you feel God has called you to help others with disabilities. Education isn’t required, but an intense love for the Word of God is what we are seeking from our future leader.

We need a man with_noemailpassion and desire to reach out to a population that has b_noemaile mostly invisible inside church walls. Someone who understands that Jesus hated religion, just as the church denominations have created, separating the universal church with dogma and opposition to God’s Holy Word.

The duties of the pastor of Virtual Bible Community:

1. Study and preach by phone and text a Biblically sound sermon message scheduled each Sunday morning 11am EST.

2. Stay before and after service to minister to the members by phone or text.

3. Help plan future online Bible classes.

4. Pray regularly for each member attending.

Our meetings are exclusively by phone or text. We don't place emphasis on outer looks; instead we focus on the heart just as Jesus does. We also stay away from social media and popular platforms. We meet only on the phone (calling into a direct line) or for those who prefer to attend by texting and chat via an app to keep it as simple as possible (not on zoom or any other social media platform).

This is a long term, very part time_noemailmitment that most likely will never generate much i_noemaile since we don't ask for donations. An indefinite stipend of $200 a month begins upon your first sermon, & will stay at $200 monthly until we are able to pay more.

Periodically there will be duties offered to you exclusively that will pay separately from the monthly stipend. As example, upon hire you will be asked to reach out to people with disabilities to get the message out about this ministry, contacting agencies or social outlets where people with disabilities gather. You will be paid separately for your work, and more will be discussed at the interview.

We are seeking a strong Christian pastor who reads his Bible daily, and is not ashamed to proclaim his love for the Lord.


About Virtual Bible Community :

Virtual Bible Community or
is an online ministry exclusively for people with disabilities that meets every Sunday for church by phone or text. 


Love your God.
Love your Bible.
Love those who have been marginalized by various churches simply because they have a disability.
Be willing to accept the low pay (at least for the first year).
Three references from others who can testify for your love for Jesus Christ.
Must have an active disability
(home bound now or past a big plus).
Be male (per 1 Timothy 2:12).
You have been a Christian a minimum of 5 yrs
You have an associates degree or less.

*****(please visit the website prior to applying to make sure you agree with our purpose)*****

Position Information:

Job Title:
Online Pastor (remote)
Time Type:
Job Category:
Online Pastor
Less than 20,000
Organization Type:
Worship Style:
Church Size:
less than 100

Contact Information:

Organization Name:
Virtual Bible Community
Contact Name:
Xtian Jax
1111 no building
State or Province:
ZIP Code:
United States
Map this Organization:
Contact Email:
