Online Pastor Jobs

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  Minister to Students - Spotlight Job

The Minister to Students is a member of the ministry staff of the church and is selected by the Senior Pastor in conjunction with the Personnel Committee and approved by the church for an unspecified period of service. The principal function of the Minister to Students is to develop a comprehensive ministry for grades 7 through 12.GENERAL EXPECTATIONS ....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

04-24-2023    Full Time

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Job Summary: The Children & Youth Ministry Director is a part-time ministry position responsible for leading, developing and reaching out, to children and youth ages birth through twelfth grade.Working with the Associate Pastor, paid staff and volunteers, this person will work toward the spiritual formation of children and youth. This position will....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

01-17-2024    Part Time

Responsibilities include but are not limited to:Plan, promote and supervise a comprehensive youth program for junior high and senior high youth, emphasizing evangelism, Bible studies, visitation, ministry and fellowship.Provide spiritual counseling for youth.Attend camps, assemblies, clinics etc., to promote and direct youth activities.Prepare, submit a....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

04-18-2023    Part Time

Youth Pastor Position Responsibilities: Passion for teaching and leading students Facilitate discipleship of 6th– 12th-grade students into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ through weekly Bible teaching, events, retreats, and mission trips. o Teach well-prepared, relevant, biblical messages at weekly Middle and High ....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


07-01-2021    Full Time

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Online Pastor Jobs Job openings. Christian churches looking for Online Pastor Jobs near me.