Job Description
1. Administration
A. Serve moderator with the Trustee Chairman of The Church.
B. Serve as Ex-officio member of all committees
C. Coordinate the work of the Trustees and the work of the Finance Committee with the respective Chairman.
2. Teaching and Preaching Ministries
A. Prepare Sermons and preach at the regular worship periods.
B. Arrange for special preaching services, i.e. Revivals, Harvest Day
C. Teach or arrange for teaching of special studies i.e Bible Study, Doctrinal studies, etc
D. Promote Bible study in the Church
E. Keep accurate record with dates of admission and dismissal, death and baptisms on prescribe Church documents and turn these over to the Church Recording Clerk/Secretary for official Church records.
3. Worship
A. In consultation with the music director, enhance the worship periods through innovative orders of worship.
B. Administer the ordinances.
4. Pastoral Ministry
A. Visit members in hospitals, nursing homes, and at home when there are special needs.
B. Visit the homes of members and prospective members.
C. Counsel and perform weddings for membership.
D. Counsel persons and families who have special needs.
E. Conduct funerals and counsel bereaved family members.
5. Evangelism
A. Make consistent evangelistic visits.
B. Promote evangelism among membership
C. Lead in the preparation of and the arrangements of revivals.
6. Study/Training
A. Continue personal study.
B. Avail himself of study and training opportunities offered.
7. Missions
A. Lead the Church to be mission minded.
B. Work closely with the mission organizations of the Church.
C. Promote the cooperative program and mission giving
8. Stewardship/Finance
A. Assist the Finance Committee in developing and maintaining a strong stewardship program.
9. General
A. Give support to all areas of the church life.
B. Be involved in the life of the community.
10. Christian Education
A. Provide leadership to the Church in planning, conducting and evaluating a Program of Christian recreation and activities for all age groups.
B. Plan, organize, conduct, coordinate and evaluate a program of religious education to include Vacation Bible School.
C. Keep informed on methods, materials, principles, procedures, and administration as related to the educational program.
D. Promote the activities of the Church to meet the overall needs of the people for the development of fellowship, Christian personal growth, and evangelistic outreach.
Section VI: Evaluation
On an annual basis, the Trustees shall evaluate the work of the Pastor. The Trustee Chairman and Vice Chairman will meet with the Pastor and review the evaluation.
Section VII: Revivals
The Pastor will be allowed one (1) Sunday per year, along with unspecified number of weekdays, to respond to an invitation to lead an outside revival. The Church will be responsible for payment to supply pastor.
These Policies and Job Description may be reviewed and revised annually as needed.