Lead Thursday night rehearsals with the band and worship team (6:30PM - 8:30PM)
Lead instrumentalist/vocalists for the Sunday worship service (10:00AM - 11:15AM)
Work closely with the band to select music
Experience with Planning Center Online (PCO) is preferred, but not required
About Mount Zion Church:
Mt. Zion Church is a well-established conservative congregational church that is passionate about Sharing Jesus, Growing Disciples, and Serving Others.
The Worship Leader must have a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, have the ability to lead worship with a strong vocal and instrumental proficiency (guitar/piano) and comfortable leading the congregation toward meaningful music worship.
Used by churches all over the world to help teach worship, the Experiencing Worship study can help your worship team too.
Your team will learn why we worship and gain a better understanding of how to worship.
One user said..."Your 5 week study course has made a tremendous impact on my life in the study of worship... I would like to express my thanks for a well written study course that leads into a higher realm of praise and worship."