Saskatchewan Church Jobs

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Music is a God-given gift that enhances our worship of the Lord and appreciation for the good things He has given us. We are entering an exciting era at Austin Square, and our search for a new music director will help revitalize our music program and worship experience.We are looking for someone with a heart for serving the Lord and His people. A pers....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

04-29-2023    Part Time

Northminster Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis, Indiana is seeking a creative and powerful communicator for the newly created position of Communications Director. Northminster is a well-established and vibrant church located in the Broad Ripple area of Indianapolis. The person that serves in this position will create content for and then coordinate an....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:
Not Specified

10-29-2021    Full Time

We are currently seeking a Worship Leader (WL) who aspires to develop their God-given talents leading worship at Lifechangers Gospel Church.The WL will have the drive to see people come to know Christ, have the heart to serve, and exhibit a positive attitude. LCG is a place to nurture your skills, passions, and talents as you lead others to become fully....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


06-14-2021    Part Time

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Church Jobs in Saskatchewan, Pastor Jobs in Saskatchewan, near me.