Newfoundland Church Jobs

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Minister to Students Galloway Memorial United Methodist Church 305 North Congress Street Jackson, Mississippi 39202 Galloway is seeking an outgoing, dynamic individual with a passion for cultivating and building formative, nurturing relationships with youth. Our historic downtown church provides abundant opportunities and resources for youth mini....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:

United Methodist

02-18-2024    Full Time

Title of Position: NextGen PastorSummary of Position: To provide leadership and direction over all aspects of NextGen ministry from birth to 12th grade, insuring an atmosphere of vibrant teaching and discipleship.Principle Job Responsibilities:Attend:Attend weekly meetings with the Associate PastorAttend all other required meetings, including:Student Mi....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:
Not Specified


05-04-2023    Full Time

Associate Pastor Next Generation Ministries Page 1 Final Draft 8.14.2023 Central Baptist Church, Oak Ridge, TN Job Description: Associate Pastor of Next Generation Ministries ("Next Generation" is intended to mean infants through high-school-aged children) Principal Function: The Associate Pastor of Next Generation Ministries (APNGM) is a member of....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

02-13-2024    Full Time

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Church Jobs in Newfoundland, Pastor Jobs in Newfoundland, near me.