Yukon Church Jobs

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Youth/Student Pastor Bethel E Baptist is looking for a self-motivated Student Pastor who has accepted the call of God into ministry, having a heart for youth. We would like for this person to: Introduce young people to Christ Disciple them in spiritual growth Train them in serving Christ with their life Assist parents or guardians in raising....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

09-29-2022    Full Time

Community Church of Rolling Meadows is seeking a Senior Pastor. The duties of the Senior Pastor shall include the following responsibilities, and any others, which the Church and the Pastor shall agree upon: A. To preach the Word of God (1 Timothy 4:13); B. To administer the sacraments: Baptism and the Lord's Supper; C. To provide general ....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


01-22-2023    Full Time

LIVING BIBLE EXPLORERS SEEKS EXECUTIVE DIRECTORIntroduction: Living Bible Explorers (LBE) is a non-denominational Christian organization committed to helping children, youth and their families become productive, responsible and spiritually mature individuals.With 3 full-time staff and several volunteers, we strive to bring children and teens to a deeper....more


Worship Style:


11-25-2022    Full Time

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Church Jobs in Yukon, Pastor Jobs in Yukon, near me.