Get Recommended for Church Jobs!

We have helped thousands, and we can help you too!

  Get Recommended!

One of the unique features of is that we recommend you to churches. Premium resumes are matched with churches based on the job category. When a church logs into their account, we recommend Premium resumes to them. We also recommend Gold Star resumes to churches via email. When you purchase your   Gold Star Resume you can be listed, and recommended in three categories!

Simple and Straightforward

Our focus is connecting churches with candidates, nothing more. You won't be bombarded with ads or pestered to sign up for mailing lists. We keep advertisements to the side and to a minimum. Again, our focus is on connecting churches with candidates.

Reasonable Pricing - The Best Value For Your Money!

Our pricing structure is straightforward. No gimmicks so you never have to worry about being over charged. For the price of one Starbucks drink per month, we make sure you can connect with the right church. We give you the best value for your dollar!

  Post Your Resume!

The first step in finding your new church job is to post your resume in the resume database. Churches from all over the country search our database daily, and we match them with qualified candidates. Don't be left out! Make sure you are available for these churches to find you.

Wide Reach!

Our website is visited by thousands of churches, and ministers daily! Our premium resumes give you maximum exposure to churches all over the country and the world. We recommend candidates with premium resumes via email and our website, so we connect you with churches seeking pastors that you would not find otherwise. Get maximum exposure with the #1 name in Church Jobs.

Always Mobile Friendly

Over 50% of job searches happen on mobile devices. We have had a mobile site since 2001, and we were the first Church Jobs site to support mobile devices. Our new responsive site is still mobile friendly and always will be.

"Your site was used of the Lord to find my wife and I a position at a church! I put my resume' on and two days later was contacted. We candidated and were offered a position as Minister of Music and Worship. Thank you so much for your ministry. Blessings on you!"

Tom Seaman