Australia Church Jobs & Pastor Jobs

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Assist in the overall leadership of the church, ensuring all worship experiences are executed with excellence Contribute to developing the worship cultureOversee and lead worship for each worship gathering Implement an infrastructure of all standard operating systems, cultural expectations, team member leadership and financial visibility Lead worship fo....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


12-11-2021    Other

Grace Life Baptist Church is searching for a Christian individual to serve as our Student Minister. Experience in student ministry is preferred. The Student Minister will work closely and collaborate with other ministerial and pastoral staff. This is a full time position with competitive salary and excellent benefits. Please send resumes to jobs@yourgra....more

1000 - 1500

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

08-31-2021    Full Time

This position is full-time for up to 3 years, with further employment dependent upon funding. The Campus Pastor is a member of the Fish Interfaith Center staff, reporting to the Dean of the Chapel, and will work with Christian students on campus. They will bring passion and ability to deploy next generation worship events and ministry experiences. They ....more


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05-12-2023    Full Time

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Australia jobs, Australia churches seeking pastors. Christian vacant churches looking for pastors in Australia near me.