Switzerland Church Jobs & Pastor Jobs

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St. Thomas Church, a conservative, evangelical, congregational, non-denominational church in Bernville, PA, formerly UCC but currently associated with the Evangelical Association of Reformed and Congregational Churches, is seeking an experienced, seminary trained Senior Pastor who is an effective preacher and speaker, compassionate and caring, and will ....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


01-24-2023    Full Time

Director of Children and Student Ministries Calvary Baptist Church, Woodbridge, VA, United States Office: 703.670.7217 * Web: www.cbc-woodbridge.org * Email: office@cbc-woodbridge.org Job Description: The responsibilities of the Director of Student Ministry will oversee all aspects and administration of ministry programs, nursery through teen....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Baptist - Other

10-19-2022    Full Time

Purpose: This position oversees ministries to children that are gospel-centered and make and equip children (and their parents) to be and grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. Duties & Responsibilities1. Leadership & Vision a. Promote and execute Capital City Church's vision, mission, strategy, and growth initiatives b. Provide leadership to the Ch....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Church of God

05-02-2023    Full Time

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Switzerland jobs, Switzerland churches seeking pastors. Christian vacant churches looking for pastors in Switzerland near me.