Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Raleigh is seeking candidates for:
Part-time Choir Director & Organist
Summary of responsibilities:
Choir Director
Lead weekly choir rehearsals
Conduct choir in worship on alternating Sundays and special seasonal worship services
Lead weekly hand bell ensemble rehearsals
Conduct hand bell ensemble on semi-regular Sundays
Assist in planning worship for alternating Sundays
Accompany worship on alternating Sundays, special seasonal worship services and mid-week
Advent and Lent worship
Accompany weekly choir rehearsals
Interested candidates may apply here or please send resumes to office@htelc.org.
Find out more about Holy Trinity by visiting our website at www.htelc.org.
Resumes will be accepted through 6/30/2023
Holy Trinity is a Reconciling in Christ congregation of the ELCA.