Saskatchewan Church Jobs

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Are you passionate about leading people into the presence of God through Worship? Do you also have a passion to impact the "Forgotten Generation" (ages 18-35) for Jesus Christ? Well, First Church of the Open Bible in Freeport, IL may be where God is calling you. A full-time position is available now. Experience leading worship in a Pentecostal church an....more


Worship Style:


03-22-2022    Full Time

MINISTRY AREA: General staff/ administrative leadership POSITION: Full time - forty(40) hour workweek Purpose of this Position: The principle function of the Youth and Young Adult Pastir is to bring young people to Christ and facilitate their emotional, social, and spiritual development in becoming committed disciples of Jesus Christ. The Youth and You....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

08-30-2022    Full Time

Youth Director First United Methodist Church of Sarasota is seeking an energetic, enthusiastic, and faithful follower of Jesus Christ to serve as Youth Director who will connect students (6th- 12th grade) to the life and mission of the Church, help them grow spiritually, and teach them the Christian faith. This is a part-time position (20 hours). The....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

United Methodist

12-11-2023    Part Time

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Church Jobs in Saskatchewan, Pastor Jobs in Saskatchewan, near me.