Search Results for: EUMC1

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Job Details
A Technical Arts Associate is responsible for assisting the Director of Technical Arts & Media and the Production Manager with all audio, video, and lighting systems and the various production needs of WOL Ministries; and functions as a Campus Media Lead for one of the off-site campuses. This position is responsible for building and training teams t....more

over 5000

Worship Style:


08-24-2022    Full Time

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Grace Place Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, OK is prayerfully seeking a full-time Student Pastor who loves students and their families and is passionate about reaching and discipling them. Vision for the student ministry and student pastor: It is the dream of the student ministry of Grace Place, under the Lord's leadership, to mentor students who....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

04-01-2024    Full Time

Staff Position Description | March 2024ASSOCIATE PASTOREastpark Church is committed to fulfilling God's purpose for us here in Vancouver. We're en-tering a new season of growth and change so we're seeking an Associate Pastor who is pas-sionate about Jesus and the local church, and able to help fulfill the mission God's given us.A - Purpose and Scope of....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

05-01-2024    Full Time

A Richmond, Virginia-based worship group is seeking an energetic, motivated Great Commission-oriented mover for a full-time elder position in our fellowship. While our core group is in central Virginia, we have a clear mission to connect with and assist other church bodies which are in need of revitalization. This will require an entrepreneurial elder w....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


01-05-2023    Full Time

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