Germany Church Jobs & Pastor Jobs

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POSITION SUMMARY The Youth and Family Director is a full-time staff position (40 hrs/wk). The YFD will promote the integration of our youth into the life of Concordia. The YFD will work with existing ministry teams to develop programming and faith formation opportunities for the whole congregation, and coordinate with the Youth and Christian Education T....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:


11-16-2021    Full Time

First Congregational UCC of Rapid City, SD seeks a new full-time pastor. The first church in Rapid City, we are a congregation built on tradition, yet we look forward to new ideas and avenues of growth. We are a church of compassionate volunteers and doers; friends held together with the desire to serve. We seek an effective teacher/preacher, a compas....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:
Not Specified


07-10-2022    Full Time

"Emma Church is a vibrant, friendly, bible-based Anabaptist congregation located in a scenic, rural setting with the potential of reaching the unchurched in nearby communities which include Lagrange, Shipshewana, and Topeka, Indiana. With a variety of school districts represented within our congregation, the Westview School Corporation is located withi....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


05-26-2024    Full Time

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Germany jobs, Germany churches seeking pastors. Christian vacant churches looking for pastors in Germany near me.