First Congregational UCC of Rapid City, SD seeks a new full-time pastor. The first church in Rapid City, we are a congregation built on tradition, yet we look forward to new ideas and avenues of growth. We are a church of compassionate volunteers and doers; friends held together with the desire to serve. We seek an effective teacher/preacher, a compassionate and caring individual, and a person with visionary leadership. First UCC of Rapid City desires a warm and skilled pastor to accompany us into the next chapter of our faith journey. As a congregation, we envision "Seeking, practicing, and sharing Christ's ministry of inclusive love, justice, and compassion" with each other and in our community. Our church has a strong core membership of older adults, and we look forward to change and growth that will welcome families of all age and lifestyles to participate in worship, in church, and in service. Recently becoming an Open and Affirming congregation, we eagerly continue our journey as we grow into a church of diverse population with a variety of worship opportunities and many service outlets. We seek a pastor who can help lead us in this journey. Please contact Eileen Rossow, with questions or submissions. Our website is Find us on FB at
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